Lifeng SHEN | 沈礼锋

Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.

Lifeng Shen is currently a faculty member at Department of Computer Science, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT).

He received his Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2024. His supervisors are Prof. James T. Kwok and Prof. Pan Hui. Previously, he received his MPhil degree in computer science and engineering from the South China University of Technology (SCUT) under the supervision of Prof. Qianli Ma.

His current research interests include: time series modeling, multiscale analysis, recurrent neural networks, reservoir computing, generative methods, representation learning.       google scholar 【中文主页】

至纯无畏, 保持温暖 (Stay hungry, Stay young)

Selected Publication

Please visit my google scholar for the full list of publications

Timeseries Diffusion Models

mr-Diff: Multi-resolution diffusion models for time series forecasting.
  • Lifeng Shen, Weiyu Chen, James Kwok.
  • ICLR 2024
TimeDiff: Non-autoregressive conditional diffusion models for time series prediction.
  • Lifeng Shen, James Kwok.
  • ICML 2023

One-Class Classification

RAMED: Time series anomaly detection with multiresolution ensemble decoding.
  • Lifeng Shen, Zhongzhong Yu, Qianli Ma and James Kwok.
  • AAAI 2021
THOC: Timeseries anomaly detection using temporal hierarchical one-class network.
  • Lifeng Shen, Zhuocong Li and James Kwok.
  • NeurIPS 2020

Deep Reservoir Computing

DeePr-ESN: A deep projection-encoding echo-state network.
  • Qianli Ma, Lifeng Shen, Garrison W. Cottrell.
  • Information Sciences, 2020
ConvESN: WALKING WALKing walking: action recognition from action echoes.
  • Qianli Ma, Lifeng Shen, Enhuan Chen, Shuai Tian, Jiabing Wang, Garrison W. Cottrell.
  • IJCAI 2017

Academic Service

  • Workflow chair for IJCAI 2025.
  • Conference reviewer of ICML, NeurlPS, KDD, IJCAI, ICLR, SDM and ACML.
  • Journal reviewer of TNNLS, TPAMI, Neural Networks, Information Fusion, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, Neurocomputing, ESWA, Applied Soft Computing, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.